My Journey

The best health & fitness advice online

My journey in fitness changed in 2011 when I realized that I had been working hard in the gym for years with no progress to show for it. There is a time and a place for working hard, but I was stuck in that working hard wasn’t getting me what I wanted. So I started to study.

I don’t believe there is any magic bullet one-size-fits-all solution to helping people grow and improve. Because of this, I have pursued a wide variety of skills in movement, breathing, and metabolic assessment in order to be able to help as many people as possible.

I know what it is like to be frustrated with a lack of progress, not knowing the right thing that is needed to move forward. For many, we are so accustomed to living with stress and discomfort that we don’t know what it really feels like to feel good!

Featured services

Muscle Activation Technics


√ Comparative assessment of movement to identify limits in range of motion

√ Identifies the root of the problem to work on and improve

√ Uses a combination of isometrics and palpations to improve range of motion

Breath Work Coaching

Benefits From Training Breathing

  • Enhanced immune system
  • Reduced inflammation
  • Improved heart rate variability
  •  Increased CO2 tolerance
  •  Improved circulation
  • Improved sleep
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Manage stress and anxiety
  • Control asthma
  •  Reduce snoring and apnea

PNOE Metabolic Analysis System

Indirect calorimetry to measure metabolic, heart, lung, and cellular health.

Assess Base Metabolic Rate (BMR), discerning the fuel ratio between fats and carbohydrates.

Specifically determines heart rate (HR) numbers to optimize muscle building and fat burning.

Calculate calories spent in exercise to know how to adjust diet to improve performance.


Buteyko Method
Pathology-directed training focusing on asthma, anxiety, snoring, and apnea.

Oxygen Advantage
Improving athletic performance by simulating training at altitude and improving CO2 tolerance.

SOMA Breath
Guided meditation of yogic pranayamas with cadence, breath holds, visualization, and music.

PNOE Metabolic Analysis System uses indirect calorimetry to measure metabolic, heart, lung, and cellular health.